The third season was shaped by one terrible event, the plane explosion that killed Schanke and Cohen, stopped Vachon from leaving Toronto, and made Tracy and Nick permanent partners... so what if it hadn't happen? Disclaimers: Forever Knight is the property of James Parriott and Sony/Tristar, no copyright infringement is intended. Archive: Permission to archive granted to Mel at and the DP, all others please ask first. Thanks: As always to my lovely beta babes Ren Miller and Shana Nolan. That Old Black Magic (1/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) March 1999 Nick woke with a start, shaking his head to remove the last remnants of his unpleasant dream. Why he was remembering his ill-fated ride on the 'Titanic' he didn't know. Going downstairs, he grabbed a bottle from the refrigerator, not bothering to check if it was bovine or human. He was taking his first swig when he happened to glance across the room at the crinkled 'People' magazine Nat had left after their last movie marathon night. James Cameron's face smiled unseeingly back at him, seemed the 'Terminator 2' director was going to make a very expensive movie about that damned ship. "It'll be a flop." Nick snorted. After all, who wanted to watch something the promised to end so tragically? Well, that explained the dream at any rate. He walked across the loft and grabbed his universal remote control. A small smile tilted his lips, he just loved gadgets. He hit the button that controlled his entertainment center, absently flipping on the news. On the TV, Bob Bingus, newscaster for channel 8 Action News, looked down at his notes before continuing, "...Will be moved to Alberta this evening, along with crucial evidence regarding the deadly courthouse bombing in Edmonton this past July. Dollard, apprehended last week in Toronto, is believed to have acted alone." Nick frowned, something still didn't feel right about that case. Even though it had been him and Schanke who had collared Dollard, Nick still wasn't convinced that the political activist hadn't had help. The bombing just had a too neat feel to it, something that didn't seem to fit with the over zealous Dollard... Suddenly the phone rang shrilly, forcing Nick to put aside his doubts for at least a moment. He headed to the phone, it was probably his partner, calling in before his flight. On the second ring he grabbed the receiver, "Knight." "Heya Nicky-boy, did you see? Bob's toupee just gets worse every time, I swear." Don Schanke groused. He was -not- happy about having to fly to Alberta. "Yeah, it was just on the news. Oh, wear the good suit, Schank. You can expect some press out at the airport. " Nick smiled, wondering what ever happened to that polyester number his soulvaki loving partner had once sported undercover. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Schanke rolled his eyes, before checking his watch. "Man oh man, I'm going to be late. Look partner, while I'm gone, Myra and Jenny-" "Oh, don't worry about them. I'll drop in, see if they need anything." Nick interrupted cheerfully, "Maybe Myra will want to fool around a little." "Watch it Knight," Schanke growled. First he got stuck with baby-sitting duty flying a crazed bomber... coach. Then, even better, because of Nick's 'allergy' he wouldn't even be with his partner, instead it would be the Captain. And Cohen had it out for him, he swore she did. And now Mr. Blonde-Super-Cop was making cracks about his wife? "That's it, no Alberta souvenirs for you." "It's a joke, Schank. It's a joke, okay? Joke." Nick grinned, knowing it was going to take a lot of donuts to make this up to him. "A joke?" Schanke frowned, he was going to miss a very important league tournament with this trip, he wasn't in a joking mood. "Yeah... Yeah." Nick shook his head. A lot of donuts. "Fine," Schanke sighed then, hearing Myra honking the horn out front, hurried it up. "Look, while I'm gone don't go getting yourself shot or anything, okay? And finish the Debson write up if you get a chance. Oh, and the-" He paused, thinking he really should have made his partner a list. Knowing Nick nothing was going to get done while he was away, "Look, maybe I should swing by real quick and-" "No, I think we can all survive a week without you." Nick laughed, he was 800 years old and still got treated like a junior partner. "Just give me a call when you get there, okay?" "Yeah, will do." Schanke put a hand over the phone and yelled, "I'm coming! Geez Myra give the horn a rest!" A second later he was back with Nick, "Right partner, gotta motor. Hasta la bye bye." "Yeah. " Nick nodded, listening to the click as Schanke hung up. Slowly he put the receiver down. This week was just going to drag by without his partner to liven it up. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Later that night, Nat looked up from an autopsy while Nick hovered around, "All I'm saying is that if you want results, you have to follow the rules." "What if the rules aren't working?" Nick asked sullenly. "You've got to give them time." Nat rolled her eyes, what did he want 'magic beans'? Actually... he probably did. Nick just didn't seem to get that the cure wasn't going to be an over night deal, it was going to take work. A lot of work, from both of them. "Four years." "Is an eye blink to you." Nat pointed out. "I can barely get raw hamburger down." "See? You couldn't even do that when we first started." Nat smiled in triumph as he proved her point. She looked down at her small tape recorder, "Hold that thing up for me, will you?" Nick shrugged and held it up, pressing the prominent orange button. "Subject's jaundice and excessive bilirubin indicate liver failure due to acute cirrhosis." She then nodded, giving Nick the signal to stop the recorder. "Now, this guy drank himself into an early grave. You really want a shot at mortality? You've got to give it a chance. Don't give up on me, Nick." "Well, maybe if I spent a little less time in morgues." Nick made a face. "Or just stood a little farther away from the table." She shooed him away a bit, giving herself room to work, "Thank you." Suddenly the phone rang, she sighed, she was never going to get any work done! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An hour later, Nick trailed after his temporary Captain, Joe Reese. Nick respected the heavy set black man, but it was Reese's first shot at being the Captain of such a large precinct and, being a bit of a social climber, he seemed to have some strange ideas about how to go about things. Like assigning him a temporary partner while Schanke was gone. He didn't need this. "Why me?" He asked, his tone slightly whining. "Because you collared the bomber. Because last week you were all over the 5 o'clock news, and because I want to keep her safe on my watch. And you're without a partner for an entire week." Reese explained as they headed down the hall, he side-stepped a ladder and looked up at a painter, "And can you please tell me why it is you guys can afford a paint job every six months, and we can't get urinal deodorizers? Look, the bottom line is that you could've been on your way to Edmonton tonight, and Schanke would have pulled the job... " He paused, thinking the press wouldn't have liked that nearly as much, "Well, maybe not, but you get my point." "Her father's on the police commission." Nick pointed out. He really didn't need such a high profile partner, like Reese said, he'd already been all over the news last week. Notoriety wasn't something he wanted. "Which I wasn't going to bring up, but since you did, yes, he is. And if I want to get a job like this permanently, I'm gonna need his support. Which is why I've assigned his precious daughter to a bona fide hero during the one week I'm here." He didn't smile, but his eyes lit up at the idea. This was a PR bonanza. "And why you are going to do everything in your power to make sure she stays in one piece, understood?" Nick rolled his eyes. This was a bad idea. Was it too early to whammy his new boss? Noticing the look, Reese continued, "Hey, if she weren't any good, she'd still be in blues. Kid's got a head on her shoulders. Disciplined. Feet on the ground." He'd read her file, she was a good cop. Lots of arrests, never made a mistake in her six years as a uniform, whiz at cutting through red tape. He'd send Knight a copy, maybe that'd make him feel better. He led the detective down the hall to where he'd left his new partner over an hour ago. She was asleep. He frowned, giving Knight a look. She'd pulled a twelve hour that day, what with all the paperwork for her promotion, but Knight wouldn't understand that. "Detective Vetter." Tracy Vetter woke up with a start and jumped to her feet. When she saw that it was her Captain, and presumably her new partner with him, she turned bright red. What a first impression! "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. Sorry. I guess I'm just more of a day person." Nick looked at Reese, but the Captain's eyes warned him not to say a thing. Nick looked back at his new partner. She was young, good looking, tall, slender and blonde. The press was going to love her. Damn. "Hello, Nick Knight." He held out his hand to shake hers. She took it immediately with a strong, self-assured grip. "Tracy Vetter," She shot him a sunny grin, though her eyes sized him up quickly. The 96th's golden boy Nick Knight, boy she didn't need this. She glanced at Reese, turning up her smile a few watts, all the while wondering how long it would take to get a real assignment. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tracy sighed, looking out the car window before glancing at her new 'partner'. Though he wasn't -really- her partner, this was only for a week after all. Hopefully once Cohen was back she would give her something to sink her teeth in to... and not make her go through with the whole pony and cart show Reese had set up to please the press. Tracy shifted in her seat and turned even more towards Nick, wondering what he was thinking. Hell, who was she kidding? "All I'm trying to say is I didn't ask for this. I mean, I know what you're thinking." Nick glanced at her, clearly annoyed, "I wasn't thinking." Tracy bit back the nasty comment that popped into her mouth at -that- statement. After all, it really wasn't Nick's fault they had to go through with this farce. After their disastrous first meeting, he'd suggested going for a ride, more, she suspected, to get out from Reese's beaming presence than to show her around the city she'd lived in all her life. "Yes, you were. Don't try to deny it. Everyone thinks it. The Academy. The streets. It's like it's a big neon sign over my head. 'Commissioner's daughter. Proceed with extreme caution.'" She paused, Nick still wore the same annoyed expression. Despite her vow to be pleasant, she started to lose it. Looking around the huge classic car he drove, she bit, "They really let you drive this fossil?" "I won't tell anyone if you don't." Nick smiled, not rising to the bait. "See? My point exactly." Tracy smiled humorlessly, everyone thought she was a spy for the Commission. 'Well,' she thought, her shoulders slumping, for some reason... she turned back to Nick, she wanted to make him understand, "Look, I am my own person, with my own talents, and who my father is--" "Has nothing to do with where you are in your career." Nick finished for her, saying what he thought she wanted to hear. "No... " She smiled, embarrassed, "I'm not going to say that. We both know it's a lie. I'd just like to be--" "Judged on your own merit?" Nick raised an eyebrow, surprised she'd admit to the influence of her name. "Exactly. Thank you. Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest." She sat back, still a little chagrined by her rant. "No problem." This time Nick's smile was genuine. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. "So where are we going?" Tracy asked. "Nowhere in particular. I just thought we'd drive around, get acquainted." He shrugged, he could survive a week of this. At least she was cuter than Schanke... and she didn't smell of garlic. "Keep me out of harm's way?" She rolled her eyes. "I didn't say that." He frowned, his new partner was a tad defensive. "You didn't have to." Tracy sighed, then glanced out the window, "We're almost at the airport." "My subconscious must be working overtime." Nick looked up, wondering if one of the planes passing over head might be Schanke's. "So why didn't you go? You made the collar." Tracy asked, curious. "Schanke made it to." He told her. "No, no, no. They said Dollard would have gotten away, but that you somehow beat his car to the end of the block, and forced him into a wall?" Tracy raised an eyebrow, not sure she bought that story. She knew the press tended to exaggerate such things, look at her friend Fuller, he was -always- going for headlines by hyping up his column with that kind of super-hero angle. "Well, the guy panicked. I got lucky." Nick shrugged again, trying to sound disinterested. Truth was he'd had to fly to catch Dollard, it wouldn't be good if someone figured out that the time line he'd given just didn't work. "So, you gave up a week in Alberta." Tracy sat back, eyeing him. She'd just realized that there was something very strange about Nick Knight... If she didn't know better, she'd say he was hiding something. "I hate to fly." Nick answered, wishing she would drop it. He knew she was just curious, and as a cop she should be... but she was getting a little too close to the truth. "I heard that you were allergic to the daylight? Phototropic, or something?" Tracy frowned, watching him tense at that. His condition must not be something he likes to talk about. "Yeah." Nick nodded, locking his eyes on the road. If she asked about blood he was stopping the car right here. "So why the convertible?" She asked, really, that just made no sense. Surprised, Nick looked back at her. No one had ever asked that before. Suddenly there was a loud roar as a low flying plane swept over head, effectively ending their conversation. Thank God. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please note that the plane did -not- go boom ;-) Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (2/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) The next night, well before her shift, Tracy made it a point to stop by Buckstars. No way in hell was she falling asleep at work like she had last night! "Double shot Mocha, tall, please." She told the guy behind the counter. "Right-o." The twenty-something grinned at the pretty blonde, only charging her for a short... and throwing in a free biscotti. Tracy smiled wide, she knew there was a reason this was her favorite coffee place! After being handed her coffee, she thanked him and made her way to her usual table near the edge of the patio. She flipped through the evening paper as she waited for her coffee to cool. Suddenly, she became aware of strange noises coming from the alley behind her. Leaning back in her chair, she tried to peer through the darkness, but only succeeded in nearly breaking her neck when the wobbly wrought iron tumbled backwards and dumped her on the cement with a splat. Smiling self-consciously at the other coffee drinkers, Tracy climbed to her feet and decided to just give in to her curiosity rather than throw herself to the ground again. That resolved, she plucked up her coffee and gingerly made her way into the mouth of the alley. She side-stepped a few discarded piles of god-only-knew-what and went in as far as the lights from the street reached. She looked around, what had she heard? She waited, but the noise didn't repeat. "Probably just a rat," She sighed, taking a sip of her mocha. Her over active imagination was going to get her in trouble some day, it was really only a matter of time. She shrugged and turned to go back to the cafe, when she heard it again. A loud metallic bang, like someone hitting the side of a van with a baseball bat. Tracy frowned, knowing she should just leave it be or at least call for back up. But then again, it probably wasn't anything... She set down her coffee and made her way a little further into the alley, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. There was a full moon out, it wasn't too bad, she told herself. She walked to the end of the alley where it broke off to follow behind the buildings on either side. A cyclone fence stood in front of her, a good 12 feet high. She looked down either way, trying to figure out where the noises were coming from. Then it sounded again, like a big, off-key bell. Jogging towards it she pushed back her jacket, ready to pull her gun if she had to. Then she saw him, a man going down the line of dumpsters and opening the lids one by one... then letting them drop. "Screed, I know you're in one of these." She heard him say, he sounded angry. "Why do you hide?" Not knowing what he could be doing, Tracy frowned, "What the-?" His head snapped up at her voice, though Tracy could have sworn she'd barely whispered. He froze and just stared at her, like he didn't know what to do, but also with no small amount of interest. Tracy felt herself blush, he was dressed a bit oddly, but the guy was just plain gorgeous! She took in flashes of dark hair and eyes, broad shoulders and the face of a male model. "Uh..." She flipped her coat back and hoped he hadn't noticed she'd been about to pull her gun on him. "What are you doing?" "I-" He opened his mouth, then closed it. Lifted an arm to indicate the row of dumpters, then let it fall. "Yeah, looking in the dumpsters. Saw that." Tracy nodded, obviously there was something going on here. Probably an illegal something. Damn! Why did all the cute ones have to be criminals? "So why are you looking through the dumpsters?" Just as soon as the words were out of her mouth, the lid of the dumpster at the far end banged open and a skinny figure darted out and ran down the alley away from them. Tracy jumped when she thought she heard what was almost a growl emanate from the dark man, then he started after the figure. "Wait!" Tracy called out, and for a second he froze, he turned and gave her one last look. A look that defined 'bedroom eyes' and caused Tracy's heart rate to sky rocket. But then he was gone. Tracy frowned, he hadn't ran, he had just... She looked around, she must have blinked and missed it but... She looked around the alley, he hadn't gone between any of the dumpsters... and he hadn't jumped the fence. She looked up... It was like he'd just... she shook her head and decided she needed another cup of coffee, obviously she still wasn't quite awake. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nick looked up in surprise when Tracy plopped herself behind his partner's desk like she owned it. She sat a very large travel coffee mug square on a coaster and began thumbing through some files she'd brought with her. Nick quirked a brow, wondering if she was even going to bother to acknowledge him. "Evening Tracy." Her bright blue eyes darted up, "Oh, hi partner." She shot him a bright, sunny smile. The same smile she'd given him when they 'd first met. A smile Nick was beginning to realize was completely fake. Nick sat back, his chair squeaking, as he watched her take a sip of her coffee. From the smell of it he'd wager there was chocolate in the brew. Well, it wasn't as noxious as some of the stuff Schanke ate at his desk. Nick glanced down at the files Tracy was holding. "Hey! That's the Dollard case!" He exclaimed. "Yeah," Tracy looked up, made brief eye contact, then went back to her reading, "You know... something about this just doesn't ring right." "What?" Nick asked defensively, never mind he'd had the same thoughts himself. "Well it's just," She laid down a file and pulled a few sheets loose, "Look, 4 court bombings, the first three are all bombs carried in by janitors, but the 4th..." She pulled out a photo, "Was placed under the Judge's bench." Her eyes came up to meet his, "He broke his pattern, why?" Nick stared down at the report, it had taken her one night to pinpoint what he'd been stewing about for two weeks. "I'm not sure, but he did." He looked at her, "Dollard was behind all four bombings. He confessed." "Yes, but," Tracy sat back and took another sip of her coffee, "But were they all done, like he said, alone?" Nick frowned, not willing to completely dismiss her ideas... even if she was irritating him. "You're saying the first three were done with an accomplice and then the fourth was Dollard alone?" "Could be." Tracy shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to look into it, right?" Nick nodded, it wasn't like Reese was going to give them a real case anyway. For the rest of their shift they dug through file after file on unsolved bombings. Reese came by and smiled at them, pleased to see that they were actually working together, but didn't bother to ask what it was they were researching so intently. "Hmm, four years ago," Tracy looked up from her computer, "Seattle. Three bombs all aimed at firefighters. Then three more, city officials in Edmonton." Nick walked around the desks and stood behind her as she flipped to another screen, "In Montreal it was postal workers. Three bombs again." He read thoughtfully. "A serial bomber." "Yeah, pattern of three." Tracy nodded, picking up a file and tracing a finger across a highlighted section. "Press call him 'Vudu' because he uses music boxes with the song 'That Old Black Magic' as detonators on his bombs." Nick leaned down closer to the screen, ignoring how wonderful Tracy's hair smelled. She was his partner, not lunch. "So this is the accomplice." "I'd say so," Tracy nodded, "Probably the only reason Dollard got caught was because he screwed up and went alone for that fourth court. Vudu is too crafty to just get run down like that." She stopped, her eyes widening, "Um, no offense Nick. I mean, I'm sure you would have-" Nick smiled, shaking his head, "Yeah, I know what you mean." They read a few more articles, but it wasn't long before Nick noticed Tracy's eyes starting to droop. "Listen, I think we should call it a night, you're still on day shift hours." "You sure?" She asked hesitantly, though her eyes were hopeful. "I could stay, I'm not-" She was cut off by a yawn. "Yeah, I'm sure." Nick laughed, "Go home, get some beauty sleep... not that you need it." Tracy blushed, something that reminded Nick that it was way past his usual feeding time, and whacked him in the arm, "All right, I'm out of here then." "See you tomorrow," He said as she gathered up her things and headed out. He sat there a moment, thinking that she wasn't such a bad partner after all... though he'd still be glad when Schanke got back. His stomach growled and he checked his watch. Maybe it was time he booked off too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of heading straight home, Nick decided to stop by the Raven. It had been awhile since he paid Janette a visit. Smiling at the thought of seeing his vampire sister, Nick made his way into the crowded nightclub and came up short when he noticed the changes. The music was the first thing that hit him, instead of the slow, sensual arias that usually filled the club, there was loud dance/punk band playing. As he ventured further in, past the milling crowd, Nick saw exotic dancers, both male and female, gyrating on raised platforms. He frowned and made his way to the bar, but instead of Miklos, Janette's favorite and the usual bartender, there was a man Nick didn't recognize. "Where's Janette?" "Who?" The bartender looked genuinely confused. "Janette." Nick repeated, but the man just shook his head and walked away. Nick slid onto a stool, confused. Behind him he could feel his master approach, maybe Lacroix would know what was going on. "Well... Like the changes? Sex is back. We have a strip on Friday night." Lacroix told him in an oddly chipper voice. "Where's Janette?" Nick asked, not interested in playing games with the old Roman. "I broadcast from a little booth in the back. It's really quite convenient." Lacroix continues, ignoring his son's increasing annoyance. "Where, Lacroix?" Nick scowled. "It really does pay to keep in touch, Nicholas. It must be at least a month." Lacroix sighed, then dropped his attempt at levity, "I don't know. She wanted it that way. She thought it would be easier to leave without saying goodbye." "She's gone?" Nick's eyes widened. "It was her time. She'd been here twenty years. Said it was getting stagnant. Been there, done that -- sold me the club for a song... " Lacroix looked around the club, obviously not too thrilled with his prize. He looked back at his son and continued in a soft voice, "Don't go searching. She doesn't want to be found. Somewhere down the line, your paths will cross again. You know that. That's the way it always is." Nick just shook his head, "How could she just leave?" "The same way any of us 'just leave.'" Lacroix bit out with annoyance. "Sooner or later you will 'just leave' yourself. And it will be your little doctor friend asking that question." "I would at least say good-bye." Nick insisted. "And that would make it less painful?" Lacroix arched a brow. Nick looked away, then around the club. He chuckled. "And what, may I ask, do you find amusing?" Lacroix hissed. "What you did to Janette's club," Nick looked back at his father and shook his head, "She's going to stake you." Lacroix sniffed, "She'll do nothing of the sort." "Maybe I can get you a Kevlar vest from the S.W.A.T. team," Nick mused out loud as Lacroix continued to scowl at him. "They withstand bullets... it could help." "Drolê, Nicholas." Nick chuckled, realizing that redecorating the Raven was Lacroix's petty revenge against the vampiress. So... his father wasn't nearly as understanding about Janette's departure as he'd like him to believe. Nick sighed, he would miss his sister, seeing her every day. Well, having the option of seeing her everyday, he amended, remembering it -had- been a month. But Lacroix was right, their paths would cross again some day. Nick looked around the club again, shuddering. Maybe it was better if that day were a long while off. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I be tellin' ya Ursula," The thin figure from the alley perched on the end of a church pew and looked at his crew mate, "'E wuz so struck by da bird 'e gone an' fergot nearly all 'bout ol' Screed." "We are talking about the -Inca- aren't we?" Urs blinked, that hardly sounded like their master's relentless pursuer. "Yeah," Screed nodded, "I didn't know 'e liked girls neither!" "I didn't mean that!" Urs' bow shaped mouth tugged into a frown as she glared at the sailor before her. She didn't know why she'd even come to the empty church to meet with him. It wasn't like Vachon was here anymore, he'd flown out just two nights ago, probably never to return. And just because Screed and her shared a master... that didn't mean she had to spend time with him! It was like Vachon said, they weren't running as a crew anymore. She didn't owe him anything. "So what do you want anyway?" "My, my, don't get yer panties inna wad," He snorted, "I jus' thoughts we could compare cliffy notes, ya know, keep one step ahead o' Herr Inky, but if next time ya wants it ta be you 'oo..." He trailed off, giving her a curious look. After a few moments passed, even Urs' reserve of patience began to run out. She liked to think of herself as a pretty abiding vampire... but Screed would try the patience of a saint. "What?!" She demanded at last. "Welly I were jus' thinkin' made ya don't wants ta evade Amorous Amuru no more, seein' 'ow 'e's gone all softs en gaga over girlys now," He leaned in and leered at her, "Is that it? Ya wanna get in da Inky's britches now that Vachetti is outta tha picture perfect?" Urs glared at him, "Bite me." "Now there's a thought." He seemed to ponder that a moment, making her glare all the more, "Nah, I think I'll stick wit me squealers. But thankee fer tha offer." With a frustrated growl, Urs got up and stomped out of the church, she had to get to work anyway, plus she couldn't stand being with the carouche for another minute, not without throttling him. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (3/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) The next night Nick walked into the precinct and headed towards Reese's office. He wanted to talk to him about their theory. If they could link Dollard to Vudu, it could be just the key to breaking the serial bombing case wide open. He gave a quick rap on the door. "Enter," Reese's voice called out. When the Captain saw Nick in the doorway he waved him in, but motioned for him to be quite a minute while he finished his phone call. "No, no, no, thank you, sir..." Reese beamed as he paused, listening. "No, I couldn't have done it without your support... Yes, sir." His grin faded somewhat, "Yes, I'll make sure she stays out of trouble... Yeah, you know I will... Thank you sir." Reese hung up and looked at Nick, who was watching him with a raised brow, "Well, so I suck up. Everybody sucks up. That's how you get ahead in this world." Nick just shook his head. "Oops, sorry Nick," Miller leaned passed him through the open door and handed Reese a package, "Captain. It's from the Commissioner." Reese picked up the card, "'Captain Reese, Congratulations from the Commissioner.'" He beamed, rubbing his palms together. "Put in a little effort, and it all comes back to you." Nick smiled. He was about to tell Reese their theory, when he heard Tracy enter the bullpen. Three days and he could already pick out her heartbeat out of the dozens of others in the building. He turned to look out the glass, and Reese followed his gaze. "She really is a looker," Reese commented, then gave Nick an odd look. "Schanke will be back in 4, right?" "Right," Nick nodded absently, then realized that Tracy should be in on giving their theory too. He leaned out and called her in. Tracy dropped her ever-present coffee mug off at her desk and made her way into the office. "Chocolate?" Reese offered, holding out the box, "They're from your father." Tracy shook her head, "My father hates chocolate. Says it acts like a germ collector in the throat." Reese shrugged, setting the box down. He turned to Nick, "All right Nick, what did you want to tell me?" Nick leaned forward, his eyes lit with excitement. "Vudu." "Voodoo?" Reese repeated blankly. "The serial bomber," Tracy clarified, quickly slipping out of the office to grab the files from their desks... and her coffee. Once back, she spread them out on the Captain's desk. "We think Dollard was working with Vudu on the first three court bombings." "You're serious?" Reese asked, after thoroughly looking through their research. He shook his head, he'd hoped that pairing these two would be a good move... but that they were on to something so huge already... "I gotta call the RCMP." He picked up the phone and shook his head again before dialing, "Vudu." >>>>>>>>>>>>> Out in the hall Tracy grinned at Nick, "I think he was impressed, partner" "We got lucky," Nick shrugged, but couldn't quite hide his smile. "Luck? Ha!" Tracy struck a pose, "It was skill, baby!" Nick laughed, cutting short when Nat walked up on them and gave him a questioning look. "Hi Nat." "Hello," Tracy blinked, not knowing who Nat was. "Oh, Tracy this is Dr. Natalie Lambert, the ME," Nick introduced them quickly, "Nat, Detective Tracy Vetter, my new partner." "Until Schanke gets back." Nat clarified with an arched brow. "Right." Nick answered off-handedly, "'Til Schank gets back." "Dr. Lambert, I've been dying to meet you," Tracy smiled, holding out her hand. "Well, people usually do." Nat cracked and shook her hand. "So you're Commissioner Vetter's daughter?" "Yeah, that I am." Tracy grimaced, then glanced down at her watch, "Uh, look, I'm supposed to run some paperwork down to time and attendance... something about my complete lack of vacation days," She wrinkled her nose, "I'll catch you later, Nick. Nice meeting you Dr. Lambert." "Nat." The coroner corrected. "Nat." Tracy repeated with a smile. She waved and then was off. Nat turned to Nick, wondering at the blonde's quick departure. "Did I interrupt something?" "What?" Nick shook his head, "No, She's just touchy about her father." "Don't see why," Nat shrugged, "Word is he got her the job." "That's not true," Nick shook his head, "She's a good cop, real good." Nat frowned, "And you... like her?" "Yeah," Nick shrugged, not noticing Nat's discomfort. "Hey," He looked down at her suddenly, "You want to go to lunch?" "Lunch?" Nat perked up, "And will you be eating too, Detective?" Nick's smile looked somewhat forced, "Sure." "You're going to wrap your food in a napkin and hide it on your lap aren't you?" Nat laughed, "Amy does that too." "Are you saying I'm only as smart as your ten year old niece?" Nick gasped in mock offense. Nat giggled, "Amy is a very smart ten year old." "Oh," Nick pretended to think about that, "Well, then, I guess that's okay." They smiled at each other and headed off to Nat's favorite Chinese restaurant. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After filling out the forms, in triplicate, Tracy headed back to the bullpen only to find that her partner had already booked off for lunch. A little put out, Tracy grabbed her cold travel mug and decided to head over to Buckstars for a Danish and a refill. She tried to tell herself that she wasn't looking to run into Mr. Tall, Dark and Studly, but it didn't work. As she drove over, she smiled about how silly she was being. Sure he'd been handsome, but he'd obviously been up to something. Him and his skinny friend. "Vetter, you're just pathetic." She sighed as she pulled into the lot, "Sure you haven't had a date in three... no, four, months. But really? Guys in dumpsters?" She shook her head, grabbed her mug and got out of the car. She tried not to, but as she walked towards the cafe she found herself looking at the alley. She was staring so hard in fact, she didn't see the man standing on the curb in front of her until she walked right into him. "Oh, sorry!" "No, no, my fault. I wasn't looking." He said. "No, my mind was somewhere else." Tracy blushed... namely in that alley. She glanced down, looking for something to say, she held up her mug, "Night shift -- it takes it out of me. I always need a good hit of coffee to get me through the day." "Yeah, I do the same thing, working nights." He told her. "Oh, yeah? Graveyard? Me, too." Tracy grinned, for the first time noticing the guy was darn cute. She knew she liked this coffee shop! "Gary Reynolds." He introduced himself, giving her a lop-sided grin that showed his dimple. "Tracy Vetter. Hi." She smiled, no dimple. "Listen..." He hesitated, "Can I- maybe buy you a cup of coffee?" Tracy grinned, really was a better pick up line possible? "I'd like that." They spent the next hour drinking coffee and talking. Gary was nice, a bit on the boring side, but Tracy reminded herself that there was nothing wrong with that. He told her he was an underground engineer with the city, worked nights just like her. "Oops," Tracy looked down at her watch, "Lunch break's over. I better skeedaddle" "Yeah," Gary stood and gestured down the block. "I should go too." "Nice having someone to talk to, since my partner abandoned me and all." She made a face. Gary smiled, "Well anytime. Oh, actually..." He fished a pen from his pocket and wrote on a napkin, "My phone number... you know, if you want to get coffee again? Maybe breakfast after our shifts?" Tracy smiled, "That'd be nice." She took the napkin. "Well, see ya." "Bye." He gave her one last dimpled smile. "Bye." Tracy smiled as she watched him walk away. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (4/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) Nick and Nat were just finishing up at the Great Wall Restaurant when Nick's cell rang. "Knight." "Hey, Nick, sorry to bother you, but this can't wait 'til you get back from lunch." "No problem, Cap't," Nick tossed a tip on the table and helped Nat on with her coat before following her out to the parking lot. "What's up?" "Looking at your paper work, just tying up a few loose ends." Reese said as he gathered up the last to send out to the RCMP. "Those music boxes were a dead end, right?" "Right," Nick scanned back his near perfect vampiric memory, "Four thousand manufactured to date in Taiwan. The shipment to Vancouver was reported missing in '84. The serial numbers match, but the trail ends there." "All right," Reese grunted, scratching down a few notes. Nick started to say something when all the sudden a loud explosion echoed through the night. "What was that?!" Reese asked, hearing the explosion over the phone. Nick looked around quickly, but only Nat was around, so he leapt into the air and landed on the roof of the Restaurant, looking. "About two blocks from here. The 25th Precinct." "Are you sure?" Reese asked with a frown, absently digging through contents of his box of chocolates. Suddenly the box begins to play music. "Oh hell." Reese cursed, knowing without being told what it meant. "What is it?" Nick heard the music over the line, "The music, where's it coming from?" "The candy box," Reese admitted with a sigh, "I've got my hand on a piece now... it just started up." "Don't move your hand, Reese. Vacate the building and call in the bomb squad. Now!" Nick barked into the phone, shutting it quickly before leaping into the air. "Everybody out!" Nick called out when he landed minutes later at the hastily evacuated 96th Precinct, "Miller, get everyone out the south side, and keep the back alley clear!" "The 23rd, Lansdowne and Queen Street -- they've all been hit. Bomb squad's disarming one at Davenport right now." Miller told him as Nick rushed passed him into the precinct. Reese looked up as Nick walked into his office, his hand still on the candy. "How the hell did you get over here? We just got off the phone." "I flew," Nick shrugged, moving around the desk and putting his hand on the box. "Say that again." Reese blinked, then looked down at Nick's hand, "Hey, what are you doing?" "We're going to trade places." Nick told him calmly. "The hell we are. The bomb unit's--" "All tied up." Nick insisted, "And we don't how these things are set off." "Why should you do this?" Reese asked, "The package was addressed to me." "Because you have a wife and two kids. Because this is something I have to do." Nick caught the Captain's eye, adding a little power of suggestion to his words. "I think you understand, don't you?" "Yeah, I do." Reese answered, slightly dazed. "I've got it now." Nick put his own hand on the candy and lifted Reese's. "Stand up and get out of here." "Knight--?" Reese hesitated. "I've got it. Go. Go!" Outside Nat's car screeched up, she leapt out and ran toward the building, only to be caught by Reese as he came out. "What's going on in there? What is it? What the hell's going on?" "There's a bomb. Knight's got it in my office." Reese told her, holding her when she tried to push past him. "Nick!" Nat cried. "Nick... we can't just leave him in there!" Just then Nick released the trigger and dove through the back window into the emptied alley, a huge fireball explosion blasting behind him. Minutes later he walked around the building, seemingly fine. Nat saw him despite her tears and ran to him. "Nick Knight don't you -ever- do something that stupid ever again!" She cried, launching herself into his arms with a force that made him stagger back a step. "Shh... it's okay Nat," Nick soothed her, kissing the top of her head. "I'm okay, you're okay. Everything's going to be fine." Nat looked up and gave him a watery smile. "It was still a stupidly heroic thing to do." "Those are my specialty." Nick grinned, before leaning down to capture her lips. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The next night, Nick tried to slip past the crowd of reporters into the precinct, but due to his notoriety from both last week's collar and his new partnership with Tracy Vetter, they spotted him immediately. "Det. Knight! Do you have any idea why police stations were targeted?" The reporter shoved a microphone in his face while a photographer snapped pictures. "Not at this time." Nick answered curtly. "And you can confirm that it is suspected to be related to the court bombings?" He asked. "No, I can't confirm anything." Nick bit, they knew he couldn't confirm anything like that, why did they even ask? "But you are part of this investigation now?" The reporter pressed. "Look, we just lost over a dozen of our people at the 25th," Nick started to lose his patience, "I don't think anybody, not the RCMP, the FBI, no one's going to tell us to sit on our hands right now, okay? Thank you." He pushed his way inside and slammed the door behind him. The minute he entered the bullpen, Reese walked up to him, "Make it through the circus?" "Barely." Nick shook his head, "Sometimes I wonder if they take classes in 'maddening.'" "I hear that," Reese laughed, then apparently decided they'd had enough small talk, "Conference room, I'm briefing the Night Watch." He directed, "Your partner is already inside." Nick followed the Captain into the large, badly lit room off the hall. As he entered, Tracy looked up, "Hey Nick." "Trace," Nick nodded, looking around the room curiously. Most of the night crew was already present, no big surprise, Reese seemed to be one for giving mass presentations. Nearly every night there was a 'briefing,' but from what Nick had seen, usually they consisted of divvying up the donuts. Not that he was complaining... plus Tracy said it built team spirit. "Okay people, quiet down," Reese walked up to the front of the room, tonight's briefing was important, "The bombs were Semtex. Forty kilos of the stuff was stolen from an Alberta mining company last July. Same batch, which means he probably has a lot more. Detonation device was a music box mechanism, which appears to be radio activated by a mobile phone." He paused and looked around at his stunned officers. "Here's the objective: catch Vudu. Simple enough? Bad news, we don't even have a rough sketch of the guy. He took out the 25th, he tried to take us out, we're going to get this bastard before he tries again. No one messes with the good guys." Mumbles of agreement swept through the assembled officers. "Now," Reese continued, "I want everyone from Detectives to metermaids working on this. What we're going for is anything suspicious, people. We've got a bomber out there, targeting our city. Vudu could be anyone, but we're looking for odd behavior. Break-ins to hobby shops, anyone seen casing public buildings, you see something that hits you as odd: check it out. Let's go!" As the precinct sprung into action, Nick and Tracy walked to their desks. "So we head out?" Nick asked. "We should swing by forensics, see if they found anything new about the bombs." Tracy chewed her lip, something was nagging her, "You go ahead, I want to check out a few things first." Nick quirked a brow, "Anything serious?" "No," Tracy shook her head, "It's probably nothing." "All right, catch up with you before lunch." Nick nodded, "Be careful." "Always am," Tracy grinned, then her smile took on a playful edge, "Say 'hi' to Dr. Lambert for me." Nick's eyes widened slightly, and if he could have blushed he would have. Their lip lock in front of the precinct last night had not gone unnoticed, "Um, will do. See ya partner." "See ya," Tracy echoed, dropping into her chair as Nick departed for the lab. She turned on her computer and stared at the screen for a moment. Reese's speech had made her think of the guy from the alley again. Tracy blushed, okay so maybe she'd already been thinking of him. But now she was thinking of him as a potential suspect. She didn't want to think that a man she'd found so attractive could have anything to do with the serial bombings, but the cop in her couldn't ignore that his behavior had been very suspicious. She chewed her lip, but how to find him? "He called the guy in the dumpsters 'Screed.'" Tracy mumbled, quickly typing the name into the database. "Maybe that'll give me something..." She blinked as the most unusual rap sheet she'd ever seen flicked on her screen. Nothing major: disturbing the peace at a bar after the English won the World Cup, drunk and disorderly conduct at a public kiddie pool, selling counterfeit Beanie Babies at a swap-meet downtown, lewd and lascivious behavior in a public fountain. Bicycle theft... a circus clown's bicycle. "All right, so he knows freaks." Tracy mumbled, looking for an address. "A church?" She frowned, shaking her head. She stood up and grabbed her bag, "Might as well check it out." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nick walked into the morgue to find Nat and Grace were busy on the bombing victims from the 25th. As he walked in, Nat looked up, her expression grim. "Talk to Schanke?" "Not since last time. He's supposed to call again before my shift tomorrow," Nick stepped back, there was a lot of blood in the air, he struggled to keep the hunger out of his voice when he continued, "I'm sure he'll be sorry he's missing all the fun though." Nat snorted, "Fun, right." "How's it going?" Nick asked, stepping aside as Grace made an obtrusive exit. Nat's assistant was more than ready to give them some 'alone time.' "Well," Nat shrugged, then looked at the body they'd been working on, "Least they aren't hard. Cause of death: Bomb. Not much else to say." "We'll catch him, Nat." Nick promised. "I know you will," Nat sighed, staring at the body, "Doesn't help him much, does it?" "No," Nick frowned, "But it will stop it from happening again." "And that's all we can hope for," Nat looked up at him, "We can't change the past, but we can try to make it a better tomorrow." Nick raised an eyebrow, "Is this a subtle moral lesson?" "Why would I stoop to that?" Nat's eyes lit in an evil smile, "Where there are so many after-school specials to do it for me?" "I don't watch after-school specials," Nick smiled. "You don't know what you're missing then," Nat started back to work, her mood much improved. "All life's problems summed up in an hour, how can you beat that?" "It would be hard." Nick chuckled. "So where's your partner?" Nat asked after a moment of compatible silence. "Checking out a lead," Nick shrugged, "Probably nothing she said." "Hmm, gotta check out everything I guess." Nat said as she continued to work, "Sure she should be going out by herself though? Thought you had baby-sitting duty." "Tracy's a good cop." Nick shrugged, "She can take care of herself. Besides... I wanted to see you." Nat looked up to see him giving her the look that always made her knees melt, "Oh, there's a new shake in the 'fridge." She said, looking down again to cover her blush. "Oh... goody." Nick gave her a sunny smile... the one he'd learned from Tracy, Nat laughed, not buying it for a minute. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (5/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) Tracy parked her car outside St. Anne's Church, the place had been abandoned for years, it looked it too. The paint was peeling, the cement steps cracked and stained, there were shingles missing on the roof. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders before going inside. If possible the interior was worse than the outside. Most of the pews were broken, there were a few tarp covered shapes in the shadows, but mostly it was miscellaneous junk that cluttered the space. "Hello? Anybody here?" She called out, moving further into the drafty church. As she entered the main chamber, she saw the darkness was cut by numerous candles, obviously someone had been here recently. Taking no chances, she pulled her gun. "Hello?" Moving in a bit further, she heard a noise above her, looking up she saw the man from the alley on the balcony overhead. Suddenly he leapt down, grabbing her. "Where is he?!" He demanded. Tracy struggled against the apparent madman, "I'm a police officer. Step back or I'll shoot." She shoved her gun hard into his stomach, letting him know she meant business. "I should have known you were involved!" The man sneered, "The Spaniard -would- find you first." "Let go!" Tracy repeated, but he didn't release her. Given no choice, she pulled the trigger. The man flinched, and suddenly his eyes turned golden, his lips parting to reveal fangs. "Oh, my God!" "Where is he?" He demanded, truly angry now. He lifted her up, yanking her into the air with him as he flew up, "You must tell me before you die. Where is he?" Tracy looked down, seeing that they were a good half dozen feet off the ground, she went pale, "Oh hell!" Suddenly a blur of gold tackled them in mid air, Tracy and the man tumbled down, slamming into the crumbling plaster wall. Tracy looked up, dazed as a blonde woman stood over the man, or whatever he was, that had grabbed her. "You really have a way with women, Amuru, you know that?" Urs shouted, then looked at Tracy, "You okay?" Seeing that the woman's eyes were the same gold as the man's, Tracy just nodded mutely. Urs turned her attention back to the Inca. "What the hell do you think you're doing anyway?" "I must find the Spaniard, you know that," The Inca glared at her, rising to his feet with a small grunt. He walked over to where Tracy sat slumped against the wall. "You will tell me where he is." He demanded again. "The Spaniard?" Tracy raised an eyebrow, covering her fear with sarcasm, "Antonio Banderas is the only one I know, and, unfortunately, that's not personally." She looked from the Inca, to Urs, and back again, "So what are you?" "You screwed up big time, Amuru." Urs giggled, only to be cut off by his glare. Amuru crouched down beside Tracy, demanding her complete attention with his now dark eyes, "It is my duty to find Javier Vachon. You -will- tell me where he is." Tracy felt a strange humming in the back of her mind, but shook it off. "I told you, I don't know any Javier Vachon," She mimicked his accent perfectly as she repeated the name, ignoring his surprised expression, "Now who, or should I say -what-, are you?" Urs' eyes widened, "Oh you -really- screwed up Amuru! She's a resister!" "Urs," He shot her a warning glance, "Just shut up." Tracy bristled, "Hey, don't talk to her like that." "Uh oh, Mate. Girl power." Screed strolled out of the shadows, "Watch out, their bras will probably burst inta flames ennie second-like." "Screed," The Inca sighed wearily, this just couldn't get any better could it? "Welly, what do we 'ave us 'ere?" Screed leaned down close and peered at Tracy, only to be shoved away a second later by the Inca, "Par-undone me," He snorted, "If she won't bamboozle ya gots ta do tha deed. Drain 'er." Tracy's eyes widened and she looked around for her gun, not that it had helped much before... "No!" The Inca almost shouted, causing the younger vampires to take steps back. He looked back at Tracy and drew as slow hand down the side of her face, "I cannot." Urs and Screed exchanged a look. Screed slipped a hand under his shirt and mimicked a beating heart, mouthing 'He's got it bad,' to the stunned Urs, who nodded. "You're-" Tracy cursed herself when her voice cracked, "You're -vampires-?" Amuru grimaced, then swallowed, "Uh, no?" "You're a vampire," Tracy giggled nervously, "And a terrible liar." "Oh God, tha Inky is bein' cutesy wit' a mortal?" Screed huffed and fell back into a dusty couch, "It's one a tha seven signs, we're all doomed!" "Screed, be nice," Urs scolded. She'd come to meet the carouche for God-only-knew-what reason, they weren't a crew anymore, especially with Vachon gone, but maybe it was just habit? Who knew? It didn't matter now anyway, she looked back at Tracy, they had more important things to worry about. Normally she'd never say a mortal was 'important' but this wasn't just any mortal. This was a mortal who had pulled the Inca's attention away from finding Vachon, and even if it didn't last more than a moment, it was still longer than Urs had seen in her over 100 years. Suddenly something occurred to her, "Hey, why are you here anyway?" It took a second for Tracy to realize that the woman, Urs?, was talking to her. "I'm a cop, Detective Tracy Vetter. I'm supposed to be out..." She looked from Urs at the two male vampires then back again, "Looking for suspicious behavior." "Ya sayin' is ya spotted da Inky an' yers truly an' we seemed odd in that there alleyway?" Screed asked, his tone was shocked, but his eyes danced with amusement. "Well, I nev'r!" Tracy started to laugh, but then stopped short. This was just too bizarre. Vampires. There was no such thing, there couldn't be. But she'd seen their eyes change, the fangs... hell she'd even shot Amuru point blank in the stomach! What other explanation could there be? She shook her head slightly, willing herself to just put her disbelief aside for the moment. She focused on the situation and let the cop in her surface, "Who the hell is this Vachon?" She asked suddenly, sensing that whoever this character was, he was very important to understanding these three... vampires. Screed and Urs exchanged a look over Amuru's head, Tracy saw them frown, but the Inca just continued look at her. For the longest time he said nothing, as if trying to decide whether or not to tell her anything. Finally she saw his shoulders relax slightly, his dark eyes seemed to focus on some faraway point and he began to speak. "I am a soldier of the Great Atahuallpa, leader of the People of the Sun. I met my death in 1531 at the hands of a Spaniard named Javier Vachon." Tracy gasped. That was over 450 years ago! "Ice it dude," Screed hissed, "Tha bird don't need ta 'ear that!" But the Inca ignored him, just continued on as if he and Tracy were the only ones present. "He was a soldier under the rat-pig Pizarro, he wore too much armor. I thought I could crush him with ease." "You attacked him from behind a tree," Urs accused, having heard this story enough times from her master. "Behind his back." Amuru paused, turning to glare at the pixie-like vampiress before turning back to Tracy. He shrugged, "He invaded my land." "Go on," Tracy encouraged in a neutral voice, not really sure if she really wanted to hear this, but too fascinated to even consider stopping him. "Two great warriors, fighting for our lives, but by the time the sun god had left the sky we were spent, we only had enough strength left to deliver our final blows." Amuru nodded, his hand absently came up and he gently touched Tracy's cheek. The detective didn't know whether to be comforted or threatened by the gesture, she sat still under his hand. "It was in the darkness that she came to us. She'd been watching. Said that she could still hear courage in our dying hearts." "Who?" Tracy whispered after he was silent too long. "The Angel," Urs signed, dropping to her knees beside Tracy, she turned then and sat against the wall beside her. She looked across the mortal at Amuru, but his eyes were focused on some random spot on the wall, lost in his memories. "She was their master, she made them vampires." "She bit them?" Tracy frowned. "Sucked 'em near dry she did," Screed cracked, though his words were sarcastic, his voice carried an edge of awe. "Bound them together for forever." Urs continued solemnly, "Charging them to stop senseless killing in the world. She wanted those that treasured life to live, and those that didn't to die." "We were her warriors. We were her chosen ones..." Amuru whispered, breathing the words as if they were part of a chant. Something the faithful would say over and over again to assure themselves that everything would be all right. "What happened to her?" Tracy asked, somehow knowing that the 'Angel' wasn't around any more. "She fried 'erself, that's wot 'appened ta 'er," Screed snorted from his dust-covered couch. "She waited 'til tha ol' burnin' sun came up an' done 'erself proper." Tracy craned her neck to look past Amuru, who seemed to have chosen to ignore the Cockney vampire yet again. Tracy saw the oddly dressed vampire sink further into the couch, almost wilting into it. "Did you know her?" She asked softly, a human shouldn't have been able to hear her from where he was, but when he looked up she knew he had. "'Ow old do ya take me fer?" He snorted, "I weren't evern close ta bein' yanked en' spanked way back when. An' befer ya ask, Urs is even younger 'en me, she only clocks in at a 'undred." "Oh," Tracy said softly, cocking her head to one side. He had the air of an orphan about him. Actually... she looked from Screed to Urs and back at the Inca, they all did. Long ago abandoned by a mother that two of them had never even met. "And Vachon? What happened to him?" Suddenly Amuru stood up with a growl and stalked away. He crossed the church floor quickly and ripped open a pine crate, withdrawing a dark green bottle he quickly opened and drained it. "Um, I take it this is not a good memory?" Tracy turned her eyes on Urs, who shrugged. "Vachon tried to stake him," The woman admitted, "But you've got to remember that they'd been trying to do that before they were brought across too." "Needless ta say 'e didn't succeed. V-man 'as tha arm o' a girl sumtimes." Screed chuckled, climbing to his feet and taking few steps towards the corner where Tracy and Urs sat compatibly. He paused, looking at them, "They werra mismatchid pair, Felix en' Oscar to a tee. Vachonetti took off as soon as 'e got a chance." "He ran?" Tracy's eyes widened. Until this point the story had had a kind of heroic epic feel to it, holy quest and all, "But," She frowned in confusion, "Why run?" "He claims because he was young." Across the room Amuru sighed, reminding Tracy of a father of a rebellious child. Or maybe an older brother. He understood his motives, he just didn't approve of them. "Immortal. He had eternity and the last thing he would have wanted was to spend it chained to a mortal enemy." "Javier's always running; from Amuru, from responsibility. That's part of his charm, you see. He's so hard to catch." Urs gave Tracy a small, sad smile. "I don't think I would like Vachon," Tracy declared, then asked, "Where is he? Is he dead?" "Nah, 'e pulled up stakes en' blew town fer parts unknown." Screed shrugged as if that were to be expected. "So they say." Amuru said, clearly not believing it. "We ern't runnin' as a crew no more so me an' Ursula stayed." Screed continued. "See tha Inky 'ere is always tryin' ta 'erd the V-man inta 'elpin' 'im fight tha good fight. Apparently me an' us don't count none towards tha'." Tracy wasn't sure if he sounded relieved or put out by that, maybe a bit of both. She looked to Amuru, but he just shrugged and looked down at the bottle in his hands. A bottle of blood, she realized with a start. "I gotta go." She said suddenly, causing all three vampires look up at her in surprise, almost as if they'd forgotten she was there. "I-I'm still on duty..." She trailed off, looking towards the door. There was a long silence, "You can't tell anyone." Amuru said finally. "You mean I can't call Jerry Tate?!" Tracy mock whined... only Screed laughed. She sighed, "Look, I'm not going to tell anyone. Who would believe me, right?" "You will be killed if the others find out you know." Amuru told her matter-of-factly. Tracy swallowed, "How many others are there? In Toronto, I mean." "Lots, more than Boise that's for sure," Urs piped up cheerfully, then frowned, "But they're right, we can't let anyone know you know, 'cause if they know you know it'll be over, they'll kill you." Urs stared at her with wide blue eyes. "So it's against the rules for... non-vampires to know about vampires?" Tracy asked. "Aginst tha Code," Screed nodded, "Thares also the Enforcers, who'd do us all iffen they find out tha Inky 'ere spilled tha beans." Amuru glared, but didn't correct him. He turned to Tracy, "You may go... Tracy." He said her name uncertainly, as if expecting her to take exception to him using it. She just nodded, climbing to her feet. She started towards the door, but then turned back and looked at the three vampires, they looked back. "How will I find you again?" "We'll find you." Amuru and Screed exclaimed, though Urs just bit her lip and shook her head slightly. Tracy stared for a moment, then nodded sharply and walked out into the dawning light. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (6/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) "Closeness, loyalty, duty... just what is it that binds people together? Is it blood? Family...? Ah, family." Nick shook his head and switched off the stereo in him loft. Obviously Lacroix was not taking Janette's departure well at all. For the first time in as long as Nick could remember it was his master who was more moody than him. He shrugged, glancing at the clock. Right at 7 the phone rang. "Knight." "Heyo partner o' mine, how's it hanging?" "Hi Schank," Nick smiled, his partner seemed in a much better mood then last time they'd talked, he must have finally forgiven him for missing that bowling tournament. "Good. How's Alberta?" "Ah, can't complain." Schanke pulled the receiver away to take a bite of the chili cheese dog in his hand, "Dollard has been locked up, the key tossed." He continued, his mouth full, "Made Cohen's day. Thought she was going to do a victory dance right there in the middle of court." Nick laughed, "So you'll be heading back soon?" "Yep, tomorrow hopefully," Schanke smiled, already picturing how happy Myra and Jenny would be to see him. He shook his head, clearing it of the dreams of the soulvaki welcome home dinner that awaited, "So, you surviving without me? How's the baby-sitting duty?" "Not bad, she's a good cop." He smiled, "But she's no Don Schanke." "Yeah, but who is, right?" Don laughed, "Any word on who'll be getting Vetter once she's done with you?" Nick raised a brow, "Schank, you make it sound so... sordid." "I try." "And I don't know," Nick stared out the darkened windows, it was almost time to leave for work. "Hey, I have to get going. See you when you get back?" "Hell yeah," Don smiled, "You're picking me up at the airport." Nick groaned good-naturedly, "As long as you land -after- sundown." "I'll think about it," Schanke laughed. "Take care partner. Oh and about that Vetter gal..." "Yeah?" Nick's brow furrowed. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He laughed and hung up. Nick put down the receiver and shook his head. "See ya partner." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Later in the bull pen, Nat walked up to Tracy and Nick's desks. Nick still wasn't in, so she turned her attention to the -other- blonde homicide detective. She frowned, she hadn't really connected with the younger woman before, but it didn't take a close association to tell that she was positively rattled now. "Hey Trace, you look a little shell-shocked. Something happen?" Tracy started at the sound of her voice , "Yeah, yeah. It's just..." She looked at Nat, "Have you ever had something happen that just, I don't know, changes -everything-? Like one day your life is completely normal, you're in control, you know where you're going and then -BAM- someone throws you such a curve ball that..." Tracy blushed, looking back down at her desk, "Never mind, I'm not making a lot of sense." Nat gave her a measuring look, "I don't know about that." "So, I don't sound like a nut job?" "Well, I don't know about that either," Nat gave her a wink, "I'm just saying I-" But whatever she was going to say was cut off when Reese and Nick walked up, holding something between them. "What's that?" The ME asked. "Some swap meet dealer brought it in twenty minutes ago. Bought it from a scavenger -- homeless guy who found it on a sewer pipe. Idiot thought it was a cellular phone transponder." Reese shook his head. "Okay, not a transponder," Tracy stood and looked down at the at the metallic box, "So what is it?" "Vudu," Nick growled, popping the box open, "Techs already looked it over, detonators are a positive match." "A bomb?" Nat gasped, taking an unconscious step back. "This one's already been disabled," Reese assured her, "But it's got enough Semtex to level a city block. And he's got enough of the stuff to make sixty of these." "In the sewers..." Tracy's eyes went wide, "He's going to take out the city!" "All right, we're getting people off the streets. Out of the subways. Downtown apartment buildings. Hotels. We've got to get everyone out." Reese told them, "We're also setting up search teams. They could be anywhere, but since this one was underground, we're starting there." Nick grunted, "Good a place as any." Tracy's mind immediately flew to the vampires, could they help? "Okay, lets start." She grabbed her coat and started for the door behind Nick and Reese, then stopped, "Oh, wait." Nat looked up from where she was staring at the disabled bomb, "Yeah?" "Look, I gotta check something-" She trailed off, she pulled Gary's number from her desk. There was a coffee stain where she'd set a cup on the napkin, she hadn't actually planned on calling him. "Gary Reynolds, he's an underground engineer with the city." She explained at Nat's questioning look. "He asked me out." She admitted with chagrin. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Nat laughed. "Well, call." She prompted. Tracy nodded, then dialed the cell number, "Gary, hi, it's Tracy. Have you got a minute? I've got an emergency here." "Sure, anything for my favorite cop." Gary told her, "Just finished some structural inspections over on Bloor. Just taking a break now." "I've got a really bad bomb situation. The entire downtown area. We think they may be underground." Tracy continued, "Maybe sixty of them. Blue metal boxes, about the size of an oatmeal carton." "Do they say 'City of Toronto' on them?" Gary asked. "You know?" Tracy asked in surprise, she glanced at Nat, who looked back with wide eyes. "Yeah, I've seen a bunch of them. I thought they were the new gas monitors." Gary explained, "I can show you where." He offered. "That would be great," Tracy said, then frowned, "Actually, I have something I've got to do..." She looked up at Nat, who was still watching closely. She covered the receiver with her hand and explained, "He saw a bunch, but they might not be the bombs, can you go with him and see?" "Yeah, absolutely," Nat nodded, figuring Tracy was going to head off with a bomb squad. Since she wasn't a cop, Nat couldn't join in the hunt, but she -could- meet up with the engineer then call a squad if they indeed found more bombs. "Great," Tracy smiled, then turned her attention back to the phone, "Listen Gary, can you meet my friend instead?" "Uh..." "Nat's an ME," Tracy explained, "She works for the city too." "Sure, I can do that. Have her meet me at St. Patrick's Station, say in ten minutes. They're underneath in the heating tunnels." Gary told her. "All right," Tracy beamed, setting down the receiver and turning to Nat, "He'll meet you at the train station, St. Pat's in ten minutes." "All right, sounds like a plan," Nat nodded, watching Tracy smile before marching out of the precinct herself. Nat sighed, sure meeting the city worker wasn't as much as the cops were doing, but she was glad to do her part. And, she admitted to herself, she was secretly glad -her- job wasn't quite so dangerous as theirs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tracy started down the front steps, only to come face to face with the Inca. She froze, so did he, and for a moment they just stood there, staring at each other. "Amuru." He breathed in sharply, it was the first time she'd said his name. "The news, bombs." Tracy nodded, catching on at once. "Vudu, we think he's going to try to blow up the entire city. There was one in the sewers. I thought maybe Screed..." The Inca nodded, then quickly pulled her around the building. "Hey, what are you-" Tracy started, then gasped when he pulled her into his arms. "Hold tight," He whispered, leaping into the air. Minutes later they touched down in an alley several blocks from the precinct, he released her and pulled up a heavy storm grate, "Ladies first." He motioned, a small smile tilting his lips. "You've got to be kidding me," She looked at him, his amusement clear, "Do you have any idea how many diseases are represented down there?" "You wanted to speak with Screed." He explained, "It's not my fault he lives underground." "Some of us can actually die from them, you know." Tracy muttered, giving up and sitting down to lower herself into the darkness below. Somehow he was there to catch her before she touched the ground, "How'd you-?" "I won't let you die," He whispered, letting her slide down his body before releasing her and taking a step back. "Okay." Tracy looked back up at the open grate, wondering just how fast he could move. She looked back at the Inca, his dark eyes watched her as if waiting for something. "Screed?" "Yes," He nodded, "This way." Tracy followed him through the dark twisting tunnels, almost wholly devoid of light. Obviously vampire eyes were much better than human's, she couldn't see a thing. Her hand crept forward and grabbed his, he stilled a moment, but then gave her hand a quick squeeze and continued on silently. After what seemed like forever, Tracy spotted an odd glow coming from up ahead. Her nose twitched when she picked up the smell of candle wax, it was a welcome scent after what she'd almost grown used to in the tunnels. She looked at the door, from what she could tell it was a roundish hole cut through the sewer wall into some building's basement, covered with a bit of burlap. The Inca pushed it aside, revealing a dingy little room filled with mismatched furniture and, Tracy grimaced, several husk-like, dried rat bodies hanging by a string across the ceiling. "Is that you, Vman? Thought ya'd be on yer way ta udder ports o' call by now." Screed's voice carried up from a little tent made of stained sheets. Tracy looked to Amuru, but he didn't chose to correct the Cockney vampire. In fact, he stayed silent, maybe waiting to see what Screed would tell 'Vachon.' "Da Inky's lookin' fer ya, shure yer surprised ta 'ear that." He laughed, "Anyhoo, made a haul tonight. I am knacked. T's putting in these cellular transponders. Bring me a bill easy down at the swap meet." "They aren't transponders," Tracy piped up, she should have guess the scavenger was Screed! There was a muffled curse, then Screed's head popped out of his tent. He looked briefly at Tracy, before glaring at Amuru. "Oh, fine, bit o' a party down 'ere while we're about it, shall we? 'Ey, ya even brought yer lil' blonde birdy wit' ya. 'Ow nice an'-" "Be quiet, carouche," The dark vampire growled. He spotted one of the bombs sitting on a nearby table, he scooped it up, "You will tell her where you found this." Screed swept out of his tent and grabs it, "'Ands off!" "You know what that is?" Tracy asked tentatively, reaching forward and tapping it lightly with her finger. Screed looked down and watched her trembling hand, knowing that something was wrong. "Sure, it's a phone trans..." He trailed off when she shook her head, pointedly ignoring the Inca's almost inaudible growl. "Well, wot is it then?" "It's a bomb," Tracy explained, "With enough Semtex in them to blow up a city block." "That would be the goo what's inside?" Screed looked down at the box worriedly. "Yeah. Oof, thanks" Tracy huffed when he shoved it into her arms with a little more force than was necessary. "We need to find as many as possible, get them to the bomb squad." "An why should I 'elp ya?" Screed eyed her, "I's ain't no superzero li' you en tha Inky." "You will help," Amuru grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall, "Or you will die!" "Let him go!" Tracy yelped, yanking uselessly at his arm. She wasn't strong enough to have any effect, but after a moment he shrugged and released him. She turned to Screed, who was rubbing his neck and mumbling about whiplash. "Ten bucks each." She offered. His green eyes lit up, "Ya'd be willin' ta pay?" "Yeah," Tracy nodded, "You'll help?" Screed looked from Tracy to the Inca, then back. He smiled, "Good citizen Screed, is always willin' ta 'elp 'is fellow man." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments and coffee mugs to *Disclaimers in part one That Old Black Magic (7/7) By: Cousin Mary (Jenkins) Nat drove up to St. Patrick's Station and climbed out of her car. She looked around and spotted a lone man waving from a bench. She headed towards him. Suddenly her cell phone rang shrilly, she answered it, "Lambert." "Nat, where are you?" It was Nick. Nat sighed, "Meeting a friend of Tracy's, underground engineer. I'm going to look at some boxes he found, tell him if they're the bombs or just gas monitors." "Okay, good." Nick's voice was muffled as he explained to someone else, presumably Reese, where she was, "Listen Nat, if they -are- bombs-" "Don't touch them," Nat cut him off with a laugh, "Don't worry detective, I do have enough sense to wait for the bomb squad. Even though I -have- seen an awful lot of episodes of MacGuyver..." "Who?" "Never mind," Nat giggled, "Well there he is, talk to you later." She said goodbye to Nick and headed over to the man on the bench, "Gary?" "You must be Nat." He stood and smiled, a smile Nat noticed didn't quite meet his eyes. Warning bells sounded in her head. He noticed the fear flash through her eyes and looked away, grabbing a shopping bag from the bench behind him. "This had been for Tracy," He held it out to her, "But since she sent you instead..." Nat looked down at the bag, but made no move to touch it, "You were going to show me the bomb?" Her voice trembled. "And I am." He told her smugly. Her eyes snapped up, "Vudu." "In the flesh," He smiled, his eyes glazed wildly, "Take it!" Nat took the bag, looking down at it as if it were filled with snakes. She looked back up, "Why?" He said nothing, just began humming 'That old black magic.' He waved his hands in front of her, making a production of showing there was nothing up his sleeves, then his hands slipped behind his back, coming back with a gun in one and a small remote control in the other. Nat swallowed, realizing there was more to fear from the control than the revolver. He held the remote control out and, with the barrel of the gun, pressed a small flashing red button. Suddenly Nat heard music, looking down she knew it was coming from the bag she held. The bomb she held. "Open it. I made it for Tracy, but," He shrugged, "You'll do." Nat looked at the gun, then reluctantly did as he asked. She pulled out the music box, opening it to see a small, slender blonde ballerina figurine twirling to the music. "It looks like Tracy." She sighed. "Doesn't it?" He laughed, "There's no way to disarm this one. There's a range of ten miles. A five-minute mainspring. I mean, it's some of my best work." Nat shook her head in disbelief, "So how many bombs are there?" "Forty. Should level everything quite nicely." He told her smugly, sitting back down on the bench. With the gun he motioned for her to do the same, "So let's just sit down, listen to the music, and wait for it to wind down." Nat collapsed into the bench, "God, this can't be happening." She looked back at Gary, but he was just staring at the box, humming along. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "That's ten." Screed said proudly, handing the boxes to the bomb expert as Tracy looked on. "Very good," Tracy said, her eyes widening when Screed turned to beam at her. "'Ell yeah it is!" He agreed, before heading off in search of more. The Inca came up behind them and dropped off a few more, ignoring Screed. He turned to Tracy, "That's all I could find here." "Hmm, I'll call Nat," Tracy frowned, grabbing her cell phone and punching in a number, "See if the gas monitors turned out to be bombs too." She frowned after a few moments, then looked back at Amuru, "That's strange. Why wouldn't she answer?" "Where is she?" He asked, picking up on her apprehension. "St. Patrick Station," She told him, quickly explaining about the coroner and the engineer. She didn't protest when the Inca led her into the alley, though she almost did when he once again pulled her into his arms and took to the air. "I'll never get used to this." She mumbled through clenched teeth moments before touching down at the train yard. She looked around, walking around the building in search of the coroner, the Inca trailing behind her. "There," He pointed to the couple seated on the bench, their backs to them. "Hold on." Tracy put a restraining hand on his arm. By the hair she could tell that that was indeed Nat, but... why were they just sitting there? Shouldn't they be out looking for the bombs? "Wait here," She told him, walking towards the couple. "Nat?" The pair turned, and Tracy gasped. Nat's face was a mask of grief and fear, but Gary just looked elated. "Tracy!" He grinned, jumping to his feet and facing her, "So glad you could make it. Come, join us!" Tracy saw the gun in his hand, then noticed the tinny notes coming from the music box, she looked back at Gary, "Vudu." He bowed slightly, then started to point his gun at her, only to find Tracy already had hers trained on him. "Drop your weapon," She ordered, "This is over Vudu." He laughed, aiming at Tracy none-the-less. Nat sat there stalk-still, then, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a movement, a tall, dark man signaling her to sneak away. She looked back at Gary, but his attention was locked on Tracy. Nat slowly stood and began creeping away, backwards, keeping her eyes on the madman. "You won't get away with this Vudu," Tracy repeated, "Drop the gun or I -will- shoot." "You think I'm afraid of death, Tracy?" Gary's laugher held a hysterical edge, "Listen," With a jerk of his arm he indicated the music box, "When that winds down everything for ten miles will be nothing but dust." He laughed again, "Isn't that right, Nat?" He glanced away from Tracy and saw the bench was empty, "No!" Nat froze, watching in almost slow motion as Vudu spun on his heels and aimed straight at her. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to fire. She heard a shot, then a scream... but not her own. Slowly she cracked open her eyes, only to see Vudu crumble to the ground, a pool of blood spreading around him. "Nat, you all right?" Tracy asked, a wisp of smoke curling off the barrel of her cobalt blue gun. "Yeah," The coroner nodded slowly, but then seemed to reconsider that and shook her head 'no' before passing out. "Nat!" Tracy yelled, racing around to her side as the other woman crumbled to the ground. When she reached her side, Amuru was already there. "She fainted," He informed her, easing her panic. "Yeah, guess so," Tracy nodded after quickly checking her over for wounds. She turned and looked over her shoulder at the music box, it was winding down. She looked back at Amuru, "What are we going to do?" He said nothing at first, only walked over and picked up the box, closing the lid on the tiny, blonde dancer. He looked up at the sky. "She went to Father Sun. I will go to Mother Moon." "No!" Tracy yelled, leaving Nat and rushing to him. "You can't!" "There is no other way," He told her sadly, looking back at the box as the last notes began to twang quietly. He met Tracy's bright eyes, "I must." "I know," She mouthed, tears escaping down her cheeks. He leaned down and kissed her gently, then leapt into the air with the bomb. Tracy couldn't look. Seconds past and there was a deafening explosion. When she opened her eyes, the landscape was still lit unnaturally with the aftermath of the blast. She looked to Vudu's body and then to Nat's still form, she fumbled with her phone to call for back-up, still refusing to look to the sky. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At Buckstars the next night Tracy sat across a table from Nat, she nursed her mocha as the pathologist explained, yet again, how fainting was completely out of character for her. It had only been the stress of almost losing Nick in the precinct bombing the night before, compounded with meeting Vudu herself. "By the way, remind me to -never- let you set me up on a blind date." Nat laughed, "I have no problem finding my own psychos thank-you-very-much." Tracy smiled sadly, "I'll keep that in mind." "Hey, what's wrong, kiddo?" Nat asked, concern. "Good guys won, and this time no one died." Tracy fought back the tears, wanting to tell her new friend that yes, someone had, but she couldn't. "Yeah, I guess." She forced a smile. "I know, let's-" Nat trailed off, her eyes wandering from Tracy to someone walking up just behind the blonde, "Wow, deja vu." Tracy turned, gasping when she saw Amuru approaching. He was walking a bit stiffly, but besides that, he looked fine. She leapt to her feet and threw herself into his arms. He held her for a moment, neither noticing when Nat discreetly excused herself and headed back to the lab. "How did you-?" Tracy started, only to be quieted when he lifted a finger to her lips. She looked at him and, noticing his somber expression, her eyes narrowed, "You're leaving, aren't you?" She accused. He looked away, releasing her instantly when she began to pull away. "The Spaniard headed east." Tracy waited, but he didn't elaborate. She sighed, "So that's it then?" "Screed and Ursula will look after you," He stared at her, "If you need it." "How much did you have to pay them to promise that?" She laughed somewhat bitterly, "I won't need it." A stilted silence fell between them. "You'll... come back?" She asked finally, looking down at her feet. He hesitated, then nodded, "If the gods allow, I shall try." "I hope so, I-" Tracy started, but when she looked up, he was gone. She looked around and sighed, "Until next time then." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So... sequel? Yes? No? Comments and coffee cups to