Title: Rage, Rage Against the Dying Light Author: Diane Harris Added: 06-04-01
Summary: Sequel Do Not Go Gentle- Nick assumes that LaCroix is insincere in his apologies. LaCroix contemplates his relationship with Nick, and Nick has realizations of his own. ADULT - DISTURBING Size: 100.10k

Title: Ready or Not Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Two new players enter the Toronto night life. Size: 9.79k

Title: The Red Strokes Author: Laura Janvrin Added: 05-17-01
Summary: A push from a song give Nick and Nat the impetus to truly show their love. Size: 11.57k

Title: Relativity Author: Cousin Mary Added: 05-22-01
Summary: A school play helps show the meaning of 'family'. Size: 7.91k

Title: Renewals and New Beginnings Author: Karen G. Added: 05-22-01
Summary: Several years post LK- how is everyone coping... and what's in the future? Size: 153.03k

Title: Resolution Author: Javieress Added: 05-17-01
Summary: Tracy plays bait for a serial murderer, against the wishes of Nick and Vachon. Size: 32.65k

Title: Returns Author: Edward McCann Added: 08-31-01
Summary:  Size: 9.29k

Title: Revenge of the Blood Bank Author: Mary Chamberlain Added: 08-31-01
Summary: Some nights, things just don't go according to plan, even for vampires. Size: 12.09k

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